Youth Ministry News
Students in Grades 9 through 12 from the Church of St. Anne, Rostraver, and Holy Family Parish, West Newton, are encouraged to participate. Youth Ministry has the opportunity to build a community in which individuals can have fun with fellow peers, follow Catholic social teaching by participating in service projects, have the opportunity to learn more about their faith and get to ask questions about their faith. Youth Ministry is a perfect opportunity to make friends who share the same faith by participating in movie nights, game nights, bonfires and so much more. For more information, contact [email protected].
Youth Ministry
”What is needed today is a church which knows how to respond to the expectations of young people. Jesus wants to enter into dialogue with them and through his body, which is the church, to propose the possibility of a choice which will require a commitment of their lives. As Jesus, with the disciples of Emmaus, the church must become today the traveling companion of young people.” (Youth: Sent to Proclaim True Liberation. World Youth Day, Philippines, 1995.)
Our parish youth ministry incorporates all elements of total youth ministry, while having a lot of fun along the journey.