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​Each person participates in ministry according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to him or her. Many dedicated parishioners make up our ministries. An invitation is extended to those parishioners who have been discerning the call of the Holy Spirit and want to share their talents with others. Please call the parish office for more information. Our parish has opportunities in liturgical and music ministries. We also offer two additional ministry options.

For those who are currently involved in our ministry groups, select the tab Parish Life/Weekend Ministry Schedule.


Clearances are required for those participating in all church ministries. Please view the ministries clearance guidelines, or visit the Diocese of Greensburg website to learn more about protecting children, and the PA Child Services laws.

Liturgical Ministries

Altar ServerAssist at liturgy by performing tasks to help the priest. Training is held throughout the year beginning for youth third grade and above and on a needed basis for adults who serve at daily Mass.
​Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion​​Assist the priest at liturgy in distribution of the body and blood of Christ to the faithful. Training is provided on a needed basis throughout the year.
​Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Homebound​Take communion to people living in nursing homes and to people who can’t leave their homes. Training is provided on a needed basis throughout the year.
GreeterExtends a welcome to all who come to liturgy. In addition, greeters are responsible at times to assist in the distribution of programs for special services. New greeters are always welcome.
LectorMinisters of the word, lectors are responsible for proclaiming the readings at liturgies, with the exception of the Gospel. Training sessions are held throughout the year.
UshersHospitality ministers, these men and women help in assisting those assembled to find seats, taking up the collection, directing the flow of people for communion and distributing the parish bulletins at the end of Mass.

Adoration LAST Friday of each month, from 8:30 am following morning Mass until 3:00 pm. As it is necessary to have at least one person present when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration, we are looking for volunteers who would like to join the new ministry. Anyone interested in spending a prayerful hour with Our Lord, please contact Regina Civitello at 724-984-1063 for further details.

Music Ministry

​Singing is an expression of joy. In Colossians 3:16, St. Paul exhorts the faithful assembled in expectation of their Lord’s return to sing together. He says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…, singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” St. Augustine tells us, “Those who sing pray twice.” So sing your praise, your love song to God – he will surely be pleased.

For more information, or to learn more about any of the following categories of music ministry, please contact the office.

Adult ChoirMen and women who love to sing and are committed to support and enhance the liturgy at the Masses, this ministry welcomes those who are in ninth grade or older. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., September through May. Contact Toni Lynn Salvino at [email protected] (724) 554-5051 or Carolyn Cannizzaro at [email protected] 760-420-8046.
Cantor​Leading the congregation in sung prayer, cantors are scheduled in advance and rehearse prior to the weekend due to sing.
Holiday Youth ChorusMembers participate in the Mass on Christmas Eve at 4:30 p.m. Youth in 2nd through 8th grade are welcome. Practice sessions begin Oct 26 on Wednesday evenings 5 pm to 6 pm and are held until the final Wed. before Christmas Eve.
​Resurrection Choir​Participants assist the grieving members or friends of a family by leading the sung prayers of the funeral liturgy.

Additional Ministries

Bereavement Ministry​Ladies of the parish serve a funeral luncheon for the family of a deceased parishioner, when requested.
CountersCounters assist the priest and parish staff by counting the money from weekly and special collections. For those who are already part of this ministry, select the tab Parish Life/Counter Schedule.